Prayer Vigil Boys

Prayer Vigil Boys

Things to pray for on 72-hour Prayer Vigil during an Chrysalis Weekend
Emmaus and Chrysalis community members often state they have trouble identifying specific things to pray for,
especially if they have committed to a full hour of prayer.

Just move down this list in your prayers, or start at any point and let the Spirit lead you from that point forward (Romans 8:26, 27). Regardless of how you go about it, just do it. Caterpillars and the team members are counting on you. More importantly, Christ is counting on you!


  • for each caterpillar by name, and ask God to help them forget the outside world for the weekend
  • that God will be with each caterpillar who may be resisting the Spirit's call
  • that each caterpillar will enter into table discussions and freely give of her/himself when it comes to responding to questions, etc.
  • for peace of mind for each caterpillar so that s/he will hear the messages shared by each speaker
  • that each caterpillar will faithfully die out to some obstacle in their life during Dying Moments Communion, and really examine their life during other chapel services
  • for each caterpillar by name that, if s/he doesn't know the Lord Jesus as personal Savior, s/he will ask Him into his or her heart
  • that each caterpillar will feel the love of Christ in a very special way that s/he has never felt before and that s/he will accept it, then take this love back home to be shared with others
  • that each letter and each piece of agape will warm the heart of each caterpillar
  • that the letters of agape received from other communities will show them how far and wide God's love reaches
  • that the Holy Spirit will work in each caterpillar’s life at the Closing service and into all of their Fourth days
  • for each caterpillar that, when s/he returns home at the end of the Walk, s/he will be able
  • to go back to work without too much difficulty making up the work they may have missed on days of the Walk
  • that each caterpillar will walk closely with Lord Jesus and keep His name on their lips, and His Spirit in their heart at all times
  • that when appropriate each caterpillar will thank their sponsor sincerely for their support of the Walk
  • for each team member by name, and ask God to help them forget the outside world for the weekend and to concentrate their total effort on serving Lord Jesus through their interactions with the caterpillars
  • that all family members of each caterpillar and team member who was left at home during the weekend will be protected from harm and be maintained in good health
  • that God will grant good health and restful sleep to each caterpillar and team member throughout the weekend
  • for each caterpillar and team member that they will be able to "Let go and let God" in all they think or do this weekend
  • that gifts of agape to caterpillars and team members will be accepted with love for the donor(s), knowing they were Christ-inspired
  • for the Spiritual Directors that Lord Jesus will continue to bless them, and that through them, the Lord's Gospel will be clarified and His name will be glorified
  • for the Lay Director that Lord Jesus will continue to bless them, and that through them the Lord's Gospel will be clarified and His name will be glorified
  • for the Lay Director-in-Training that Lord Jesus will continue to bless them, and that through them, the Lord's Gospel in this Walk and the next one will be clarified and His name will be glorified
  • for the Music Directors that Lord Jesus will continue to bless them, and that through them and their gift of music the Lord's Gospel will be clarified and His name will be glorified
  • for the Asst. Lay Directors that Lord Jesus will continue to bless them, and that through them, the Lord's Gospel will be clarified and His name will be glorified
  • for the Table Leaders that Lord Jesus will continue to bless them, and that through them, the Lord's Gospel will be clarified and His name will be glorified
  • for the Asst. Table Leaders that Lord Jesus will continue to bless them, and that through them, the Lord's Gospel will be clarified and His name will be glorified
  • for the Board Representative that Lord Jesus will continue to bless them, and that through them the Lord will be glorified
  • for each Speaker that the Lord will speak to caterpillars through them and that each talk will be a blessing to all those who will hear it
  • for those who are preparing the food and helping serve it to each caterpillar and team member, asking God to bless them, and to use the food to nourish each person in the manner God intends
  • for each Sponsor who loved the caterpillar so much that s/he made this Walk possible for the caterpillar
  • that there will be no problems encountered in matters that compromise the safety or comfort of the caterpillars and team members, such as fire, break-ins, theft, etc.
  • that Lord Jesus will reap a harvest of souls due to the efforts of these new Fourth Day members as they establish their own ministries
  • that our Lord will be blessed by all that is done in His name throughout the weekend
  • that all which is done over the weekend will be done in our Lord's name
  • that the Lord will remind me to continue praying faithfully throughout the weekend that His will shall be done


BOYS Fall Flight

Sept 14th-16th
Lay Leader: Jess Glasgow
Prayer Vigil Signup

GIRLS Fall Flight

Sept 7th-9th
Lay Leader: Rachel Strader
Prayer Vigil Signup